First Name List: Begins with C

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[no first name] * A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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All first names beginning with C, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. C (13)
2. Cabel (3)
3. Caecilia (1)
4. Caelia (1)
5. Caesar (16)
6. Caesor (1)
7. Caetano (1)
8. Cahteren (1)
9. Cain (3)
10. Caius (1)
11. Calab (2)
12. Calan (1)
13. Caleb (245)
14. Calebe (1)
15. Calia (1)
16. Calib (2)
17. Calibe (1)
18. Callvina (1)
19. Calogera (1)
20. Calum (1)
21. Calvin (1)
22. Calvina (1)
23. Camelia (1)
24. Cameron (4)
25. Camilla (15)
26. Camillo (1)
27. Camilo (1)
28. Campbell (4)
29. Camperdowne (1)
30. Candace (1)
31. Candie (1)
32. Canham (1)
33. Canon (1)
34. Caoline (1)
35. Cap (1)
36. Capel (3)
37. Captain (2)
38. Capten (1)
39. Cara (2)
40. Caraminella (1)
41. Cardilla (1)
42. Cardinal (1)
43. Carel (1)
44. Carew (4)
45. Carey (18)
46. Carl (24)
47. Carla (1)
48. Carlene (1)
49. Carles (1)
50. Carlile (2)
51. Carlisle (1)
52. Carlo (1)
53. Carloine (1)
54. Carlos (1)
55. Carlott (1)
56. Carlotta (2)
57. Carlston (1)
58. Carlton (1)
59. Carly (1)
60. Carmen (4)
61. Carmine (1)
62. Carnegie (1)
63. Caro (1)
64. Carol (55)
65. Carole (7)
66. Carolin (1)
67. Carolina (12)
68. Caroline (3255)
69. Carolne (1)
70. Carolus (3)
71. Carolyn (9)
72. Carolyne (1)
73. Carr (1)
74. Carraline (1)
75. Carrick (1)
76. Carrie (42)
77. Carril (1)
78. Carrol (1)
79. Carroline (1)
80. Carry (3)
81. Carswell (4)
82. Carter (2)
83. Carteren (1)
84. Cartun (1)
85. Cartwright (4)
86. Cary (5)
87. Caryl (1)
88. Casaller (1)
89. Casander (1)
90. Casandra (1)
91. Casating (1)
92. Casel (1)
93. Casiah (1)
94. Casimir (1)
95. Casper (1)
96. Cassander (2)
97. Cassandra (12)
98. Cassey (1)
99. Cassia (1)
100. Cassie (6)
101. Cassine (1)
102. Cassini (1)
103. Cassius (1)
104. Cassy (2)
105. Castalion (1)
106. Castell (4)
107. Castina (1)
108. Castle (6)
109. Caswallon (1)
110. Caswell (1)
111. Casworth (1)
112. Cataren (1)
113. Catarine (6)
114. Catarn (2)
115. Cateren (8)
116. Caterena (1)
117. Caterin (1)
118. Caterina (4)
119. Caterine (7)
120. Catern (5)
121. Caterne (3)
122. Cath (30)
123. Catha (1)
124. Cathae (1)
125. Cathan (2)
126. Catharain (1)
127. Catharen (2)
128. Catharena (2)
129. Catharin (29)
130. Catharina (7)
131. Catharine (784)
132. Catharn (1)
133. Catharne (2)
134. Catharyn (1)
135. Cathcart (1)
136. Cathe (2)
137. Cathen (1)
138. Cathene (2)
139. Cather (4)
140. Catherain (7)
141. Catheraine (2)
142. Cathere (2)
143. Cathered (1)
144. Catheren (46)
145. Catherene (1)
146. Catherin (51)
147. Catherina (6)
148. Catherine (2698)
149. Cathern (13)
150. Catherne (4)
151. Catheryn (11)
152. Catheryne (13)
153. Cathine (1)
154. Cathirin (1)
   155. Cathleen (9)
156. Cathn (4)
157. Cathne (3)
158. Cathrain (1)
159. Cathrein (1)
160. Cathren (13)
161. Cathrene (1)
162. Cathrien (1)
163. Cathrin (8)
164. Cathrina (2)
165. Cathrine (31)
166. Cathrinea (1)
167. Cathrn (1)
168. Catren (7)
169. Catrin (6)
170. Catrina (1)
171. Catrine (3)
172. Catriona (2)
173. Catrn (1)
174. Cattarn (1)
175. Catten (1)
176. Catteran (9)
177. Catteren (9)
178. Catterine (1)
179. Cattern (4)
180. Catterne (1)
181. Cattheryne (7)
182. Catthrein (2)
183. Catthren (6)
184. Cattorn (3)
185. Cattren (4)
186. Cattrenne (1)
187. Cattrine (1)
188. Cattron (2)
189. Catturn (1)
190. Caturine (1)
191. Cavalie (1)
192. Cavan (1)
193. Cavin (2)
194. Cealia (1)
195. Cealick (1)
196. Ceasar (1)
197. Ceate (1)
198. Ceathern (1)
199. Cecelia (14)
200. Cecely (2)
201. Cecil (515)
202. Cecila (1)
203. Cecile (8)
204. Cecilia (137)
205. Cecilie (3)
206. Cecill (1)
207. Cecily (40)
208. Cecilye (3)
209. Cecyly (1)
210. Cecylye (1)
211. Cedailah (1)
212. Cedric (11)
213. Ceely (1)
214. Ceesar (1)
215. Ceicle (1)
216. Celia (89)
217. Celiah (1)
218. Celice (1)
219. Celine (1)
220. Cely (1)
221. Cendwen (1)
222. Cenete (2)
223. Ceorge (1)
224. Cephas (1)
225. Cephus (1)
226. Ceres (1)
227. Ceri (1)
228. Ceriolwen (1)
229. Cerrey (1)
230. Cesar (10)
231. Cesely (1)
232. Cessely (1)
233. Cessie (1)
234. Ch (3)
235. Cha (12)
236. Chace (1)
237. Chad (2)
238. Chadderton (1)
239. Chadwick (1)
240. Chafey (1)
241. Chalee (1)
242. Chales (3)
243. Chalmers (1)
244. Chalotte (2)
245. Chals (1)
246. Chamberlain (3)
247. Chamberlaine (1)
248. Chamberlin (2)
249. Chambers (3)
250. Chamnes (1)
251. Champian (1)
252. Champion (1)
253. Chandler (1)
254. Chandos (2)
255. Chanty (1)
256. Chany (1)
257. Chapel (1)
258. Chapling (1)
259. Chapman (2)
260. Char (1)
261. Chararls (1)
262. Charatie (1)
263. Charaty (3)
264. Chardin (2)
265. Chareles (3)
266. Charels (5)
267. Chares (3)
268. Charete (1)
269. Charite (1)
270. Charitie (8)
271. Charity (152)
272. Charitye (2)
273. Charl (3)
274. Charle (5)
275. Charlene (2)
276. Charles (17137)
277. Charlet (1)
278. Charlett (1)
279. Charletta (1)
280. Charley (21)
281. Charlie (68)
282. Charllote (1)
283. Charllotte (3)
284. Charlls (1)
285. Charlot (16)
286. Charlota (1)
287. Charlote (5)
288. Charlott (37)
289. Charlotta (6)
290. Charlotte (4784)
291. Charls (117)
292. Charlt (1)
293. Charlton (4)
294. Charmaine (1)
295. Charmian (1)
296. Chars (1)
297. Chartharine (1)
298. Chartlot (1)
299. Charuls (1)
300. Charyty (1)
301. Chas (122)
302. Chase (1)
303. Chateren (2)
304. Chaterin (2)
305. Chateryn (9)
306. Chatharine (6)
307. Chather (1)
308. Chatheren (5)
   309. Chatherin (9)
310. Chatherine (7)
311. Chathery (2)
312. Chatheryn (1)
313. Chathrin (1)
314. Chathrine (1)
315. Chaundeler (1)
316. Chayney (1)
317. Chayneye (1)
318. Chearatie (1)
319. Chedorlaomer (1)
320. Chereti (1)
321. Cheri (1)
322. Cherifa (1)
323. Cherith (3)
324. Cheritreth (1)
325. Cherphine (1)
326. Cherril (1)
327. Cherry (3)
328. Chertsey (1)
329. Cheryl (7)
330. Chesse (1)
331. Chester (6)
332. Chesterfield (1)
333. Chetwynd (1)
334. Cheveley (1)
335. Cheyney (3)
336. Childs (1)
337. Chillie (1)
338. Chilvers (1)
339. Chimham (2)
340. Chips (1)
341. Chisood (1)
342. Chistopher (2)
343. Chittick (1)
344. Chloe (3)
345. Cholwin (1)
346. Chr (1)
347. Chran (1)
348. Chrestyan (1)
349. Chrety (1)
350. Chrian (7)
351. Chriatiana (1)
352. Chricen (1)
353. Chripp (1)
354. Chris (6)
355. Chrisain (1)
356. Chrisastom (1)
357. Chrisost (1)
358. Chrisphane (1)
359. Chrispian (4)
360. Chrisrofer (1)
361. Chrissastom (1)
362. Chrissie (8)
363. Chrisstophar (1)
364. Chrissy (1)
365. Christ (3)
366. Christabel (8)
367. Christabell (1)
368. Christabelle (1)
369. Christable (1)
370. Christafer (1)
371. Christain (2)
372. Christan (7)
373. Christefer (1)
374. Christefor (1)
375. Christen (6)
376. Christene (1)
377. Christer (1)
378. Christheper (1)
379. Christi (1)
380. Christiam (1)
381. Christian (886)
382. Christiana (143)
383. Christiane (12)
384. Christiania (1)
385. Christianne (2)
386. Christiano (1)
387. Christie (2)
388. Christien (4)
389. Christifer (2)
390. Christifor (1)
391. Christin (3)
392. Christina (146)
393. Christine (167)
394. Christinne (1)
395. Christion (6)
396. Christipher (1)
397. Christmas (6)
398. Christn (1)
399. Christo (7)
400. Christobel (3)
401. Christobell (1)
402. Christofar (2)
403. Christofer (49)
404. Christofor (3)
405. Christofore (1)
406. Christon (1)
407. Christoner (1)
408. Christop (3)
409. Christoper (4)
410. Christoph (2)
411. Christophar (4)
412. Christopher (1133)
413. Christophilus (1)
414. Christophorus (2)
415. Christophr (2)
416. Christopper (1)
417. Christopr (4)
418. Christover (5)
419. Christpher (1)
420. Christr (6)
421. Christrilla (1)
422. Christulla (1)
423. Christyan (3)
424. Christyne (2)
425. Chritian (1)
426. Chrr (1)
427. Chrstopher (1)
428. Chrysostom (1)
429. Chrysostome (2)
430. Chrystal (1)
431. Chrystallou (1)
432. Chrystopher (6)
433. Chrystyne (5)
434. Chrytian (1)
435. Chs (8)
436. Chuck (1)
437. Church (11)
438. Churchill (1)
439. Chxr (1)
440. Cibbel (1)
441. Cicele (6)
442. Ciceley (9)
443. Cicelie (17)
444. Cicell (1)
445. Cicelly (2)
446. Cicely (87)
447. Cicelye (2)
448. Cicile (4)
449. Cicilee (1)
450. Ciciley (1)
451. Cicilia (6)
452. Cicilie (9)
453. Cicill (3)
454. Cicilla (6)
455. Cicilly (2)
456. Cicily (22)
457. Cicley (1)
458. Cicslye (2)
459. Cicylie (1)
460. Cidela (1)
461. Cinderella (2)
462. Cinding (1)
   463. Cindy (2)
464. Ciprian (1)
465. Cis (1)
466. Ciscil (1)
467. Cisciley (1)
468. Ciscilie (1)
469. Ciscilly (1)
470. Ciselee (1)
471. Cisely (1)
472. Cisie (1)
473. Cisilla (4)
474. Cisle (5)
475. Cislee (2)
476. Cisley (12)
477. Cislie (2)
478. Cisly (11)
479. Cislye (4)
480. Cissell (1)
481. Cisselly (1)
482. Cissie (24)
483. Cissilla (1)
484. Cissley (1)
485. Cissy (3)
486. Civility (2)
487. Clabe (1)
488. Clace (4)
489. Cladius (1)
490. Clair (3)
491. Claire (13)
492. Clara (1315)
493. Clarabelle (1)
494. Claradine (1)
495. Clarah (1)
496. Clare (55)
497. Clarence (86)
498. Clarencene (1)
499. Clarendon (1)
500. Claressa (1)
501. Clari (1)
502. Clarice (26)
503. Clarin (1)
504. Clarina (1)
505. Clarinda (4)
506. Clarissa (53)
507. Clarisse (2)
508. Clark (2)
509. Clarke (1)
510. Clarks (1)
511. Clarmont (1)
512. Clarodina (1)
513. Clarrie (2)
514. Clars (1)
515. Clary (6)
516. Clase (1)
517. Class (1)
518. Claud (17)
519. Claude (84)
520. Claudette (1)
521. Claudia (6)
522. Claudian (1)
523. Claudina (1)
524. Claudius (11)
525. Clayse (1)
526. Clayton (6)
527. Cle (1)
528. Clears (1)
529. Cleary (1)
530. Cledwyn (1)
531. Clelia (1)
532. Clem (3)
533. Clemand (1)
534. Clemant (2)
535. Clemat (1)
536. Clemence (7)
537. Clemens (5)
538. Clement (234)
539. Clemente (2)
540. Clementia (3)
541. Clementie (1)
542. Clementina (25)
543. Clementine (9)
544. Clements (1)
545. Clementt (1)
546. Clemmenc (1)
547. Clemment (6)
548. Clemont (2)
549. Clemt (3)
550. Cleobulina (1)
551. Cleopas (1)
552. Clewer (2)
553. Clifford (109)
554. Clifton (2)
555. Clim (1)
556. Climant (1)
557. Climent (1)
558. Clinton (2)
559. Clipsbee (1)
560. Clisbee (1)
561. Clive (51)
562. Cloe (1)
563. Clola (1)
564. Clorinda (2)
565. Clotilda (1)
566. Clotilde (1)
567. Clotworthy (2)
568. Clover (1)
569. Clyde (3)
570. Clyffe (1)
571. Coachman (1)
572. Cobden (1)
573. Cockburn (2)
574. Cojko (1)
575. Col (1)
576. Colebere (1)
577. Colegrove (1)
578. Coleman (2)
579. Colen (1)
580. Colenso (1)
581. Coles (1)
582. Coley (1)
583. Colin (116)
584. Colina (1)
585. Colleberry (1)
586. Colleen (3)
587. Collette (1)
588. Colliberye (1)
589. Collibury (1)
590. Collier (1)
591. Collin (1)
592. Collince (1)
593. Collis (5)
594. Collubra (1)
595. Collybery (1)
596. Colman (1)
597. Colston (1)
598. Colubra (1)
599. Colwell (1)
600. Comfort (12)
601. Coneilus (1)
602. Conelius (1)
603. Congietta (1)
604. Connie (1)
605. Connier (1)
606. Connor (1)
607. Conrad (16)
608. Conrade (2)
609. Constanc (1)
610. Constance (471)
611. Constancia (2)
612. Constans (4)
613. Constant (24)
614. Constante (1)
615. Constantia (7)
616. Constantina (1)
   617. Constantine (7)
618. Constants (1)
619. Constatin (1)
620. Constenn (1)
621. Contance (2)
622. Conway (3)
623. Conyer (1)
624. Conyngham (3)
625. Cooke (1)
626. Cooper (3)
627. Cora (10)
628. Coralie (3)
629. Coraptas (1)
630. Corby (1)
631. Cordall (1)
632. Cordelia (40)
633. Cordell (1)
634. Cordiel (1)
635. Cordilia (1)
636. Corinna (1)
637. Corinne (2)
638. Corissand (1)
639. Corlia (1)
640. Cornaileus (1)
641. Corne (1)
642. Cornel (1)
643. Corneleius (1)
644. Cornelia (14)
645. Cornelias (1)
646. Cornelien (1)
647. Cornelious (3)
648. Cornelis (1)
649. Cornelius (290)
650. Cornelous (1)
651. Cornelus (1)
652. Corney (1)
653. Cornon* (1)
654. Cornreun (1)
655. Coroline (1)
656. Corona (3)
657. Coronation (1)
658. Corrinna (1)
659. Costas (1)
660. Councilletta (1)
661. Court (1)
662. Courtenay (1)
663. Courteney (1)
664. Courtney (2)
665. Courtrance (1)
666. Coventry (3)
667. Cowdery (1)
668. Craig (4)
669. Crane (5)
670. Cranley (1)
671. Craufurd (1)
672. Craven (1)
673. Crawford (1)
674. Creighton (1)
675. Crescemb (1)
676. Crescentius (1)
677. Cressina (1)
678. Cresswell (2)
679. Crestefar (1)
680. Cresten (3)
681. Creswell (1)
682. Crip (1)
683. Cripps (1)
684. Crisp (1)
685. Crispen (3)
686. Crispian (1)
687. Crispin (12)
688. Crispine (1)
689. Crispinus (1)
690. Crissina (1)
691. Crist (1)
692. Cristall (1)
693. Cristan (1)
694. Cristefor (3)
695. Cristen (3)
696. Cristian (32)
697. Cristifere (1)
698. Cristin (3)
699. Cristina (2)
700. Cristipher (2)
701. Cristofer (14)
702. Cristoper (1)
703. Cristopher (20)
704. Cristover (1)
705. Cristr (1)
706. Crome (1)
707. Crosby (2)
708. Crossley (1)
709. Crystabel (1)
710. Crystal (1)
711. Crystopher (2)
712. Crystyan (1)
713. Culbert (1)
714. Culliss (1)
715. Cullum (1)
716. Cully (1)
717. Cumberland (1)
718. Cumbly (1)
719. Cumner (1)
720. Cunstable (1)
721. Curly (1)
722. Curnelus (1)
723. Curt (1)
724. Curtian (1)
725. Curtice (2)
726. Curtis (5)
727. Curtiss (1)
728. Curzino (1)
729. Custance (3)
730. Custannce (1)
731. Custanns (1)
732. Custans (5)
733. Custenaer (1)
734. Cutbart (2)
735. Cutbarth (1)
736. Cutbeard (1)
737. Cutbeart (1)
738. Cutberd (2)
739. Cutbert (5)
740. Cutbte (1)
741. Cutburt (1)
742. Cutburtte (1)
743. Cuthbert (55)
744. Cutler (1)
745. Cuttberd (1)
746. Cuttberte (1)
747. Cybele (1)
748. Cycely (3)
749. Cycilie (2)
750. Cycill (1)
751. Cycilly (1)
752. Cycle (1)
753. Cycyly (1)
754. Cycylye (2)
755. Cyeslaw (1)
756. Cynisca (1)
757. Cynthia (26)
758. Cyprian (10)
759. Cypriana (1)
760. Cyprus (1)
761. Cyril (449)
762. Cyrol (1)
763. Cyrus (16)
764. Cysle (1)
765. Cysley (7)
766. Cysly (1)
767. Cyslye (2)
768. Czeslaw (2)
769. Czeslawa (1)